MMM Event Setup

We are passionate about organising events that are as condusive as possible to you finding the right spouse. That means that our events will provide as much time to speak to potential matches as possible in the time we have. We do NOT do speed dating.


Event Setup:

  1. Only registered people can attend. This requires a profile to be completed and entry ticket paid. We hope events will be fully booked in advance so payment at the door may not be possible. Buy your ticketRegister today!

  2. Once everyone has arrived (on time!) we always begin events with the name of Allah (swt) and a short talk on the importance of marriage and what to look for in a spouse according to the sunnah, which is the best way to ensure a successful married life.

  3. In order to get to know the attendees, profiles of all attendees will be available in the room. You are encouraged to read these.

  4. We will then run the meeting session where sisters will be sat in groups at a table and groups of brothers will rotate around the room. Each meeting will last 10-15 minutes, which will include a short introduction around the group and then each person will tell the group something about themself. A series of topics will be used to vary the conversation and reveal important information about you to the group. Mahrams will be present in the room during this session to observe but are asked not to take part so that the individual looking to get married has a chance to showcase themself.

  5. You are asked to make note of the ID of anyone you have found is a potential match or is interesting to you. The organisers will then pair you together to allow to have a futher conversation. During this time mahrams or an organiser will be present and you are encouraged to speak and ask questions enough for you to know that you want to take the matter further. You should exchange details if there is mutual interest. We can provide contact details at a later time should you want to exchange details in private.

  6. Post-event matching is possible and access to the profiles of attendees is made available for an additional fee.

  7. Insh'Allah you will find more than one potential match and will appreciate Modest Muslim Marriages efforts and recommended us to your family and friends.


Finally, we are always open to finding a better way to arrange the events and should you have any suggestions for improvements then please contact Kamran or Saira. 



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